GE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the 'GE Store,' through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, markets, structure and intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry.
通用電氣(GE)公司是全球數字化工業公司,創造由軟件定義的機器,集互聯、響應和預測之智,致力變革傳統工業。全球知識交換系統 – “GE商店”讓所有業務共享技術、市場、結構與智力,每項發明都推動跨界創新應用。GE理解行業之需,講述工業語言,以全球人才、服務、科技與規模,為客戶創造非凡業績。